It is a narrow peninsula
(хойг) with a few towns in that bay and attracts visitors all year around.
Towns on Cape Cod and city of Plymouth are famous destinations for tourists
because of the historical significance and scenic drive
and beautiful beaches. Plymouth is known as "America's
Historians say the Pilgrims stepped on the rock after they
rowed ashore from the Mayflower on Dec.21, 1620. The rock (on the picture) lay
unnoticed for 121 years when an elderly Plymouthean Thomas Faunce identified it
in 1741 as the landing place of the Pilgrims. (Pilgrims - a person who journeys
to a Holy place for religious reason)
The ship shown in the picture is
actual Mayfower-II ship, that arrived after the1st Mayflower has successfully
landed on American coast and pilgrims survived the harsh winter and started
their settlement, which was a historic beginning of the Great Nation of
It's a nice little town with unique gift shops, museums and
antique shops and fabulous diners, one of which is "Rio's Steak
house"- Brazilian Steak House "Churrascaria" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Churrascaria - Churrascois
the cooking style, which translates roughly from the Portuguese for 'barbecue'.
I like this restaurant a lot because I have been to a
couple of them in Chicago area, and their servers come to your table with
different kinds of meats (beef steaks, chicken, lamb, pork) one after
another continuously until you turn down the coaster, which shows if you
want more servings or not, and they also have a salad buffet with different
salads and side dishes to choose.
While touring on Cape Cod I liked the fine candy store, hand
crafted pottery shop, Cook's store in Brewster, and Mahoney's restaurant in
Orleans, which is famous its barbecued ribs, and the Christmas Tree
shop in Sandwich, which is the name of another little town.
The peninsula has forests and little lakes and driving
through the wooded area was quite scenic.
On the day returning from the 3-day trip I saw old movies on TV
about the Mayflower and early settlers- “Plymouth adventure” and “John Smith and
Pocahontas”, which was a pleasant coincidence.
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